If you haven’t had any ear cuff in your jewelry box…Sorry to say, you’re bit behind the trend…
How to choose and wear ear cuff? LilyFair Jewelry has few fashion tips to share with you:
1. Asymmetric can create stylish, symmetric might create an Elf. If you choose to wear the half or whole ear size cuff, I will suggest only wear on one ear. Even if the jeweler might sell you a pair, wearing large size statement cuffs on both ear it might make you look like an Elf. You can just simply wear a simple style earring on the other ear such as single diamond or pearl style, or wear nothing.

2. Don’t over wear the cuffs. Sometime when I saw girls over stack cuffs and earrings on the ears, I really have the longing to tell her ” Too much sometime really means Too Much”.
3.Matching your hair style. The whole point to wear statement cuff is to highlight your ear contour and present an astonish appearance. So to have a coordinated hair style definitely can strength the effect. Often to tire the hair up is a good option. Or you can be create to make the ear cuff part of the hair style.